I just finished 3 new songs with my producer Paul Conkling who continues to amaze and really bring my songs into focus! Some of my best work on lead guitar and all my guitars captured in these tunes. I have my favorite Telecaster kicking it on two of these tracks;) click on the music tab and listen to I Won’t Cry – Album
I won’t cry for for your Love – the Tele really sings here but there are horns bringing some great texture. This original is one of my favorites and it’s definitely a reflection of my colorful personality;)
If I wanted you on Sunday – this one really features my Gibson Les Paul studio edition with those hot hum-bucking pickups! The song is sexy as hell with a blues and jazzy twist! Paul really mailed it on the horns;)
Ash and Flame – this one has some attitude for sure;) the keys really kick ass thanks to Paul! The song started with a piece of writing by my little brother Layne Thaler titled “my heart is paper thin and you hold the match” – by the time I was finished it turned into “ I won’t let you leave my heart ash and flame”..
I will get started at my home venue Oasis Brewery down in the Highlands of Denver and special thanks to Tim! First gig of the year will be Jan-21 from 2-5..
Here are some pictures from 2022;)